Saturday, 24 May 2008

365 in 72

I am glad to announce that the new 2009 Caithness & Sutherland Calendar is almost ready. It shows again 12 wonderful panoramic images of those two counties and another 60 additional superb views.
This is the third year running that I am producing this calendar and each year it proofs more popular. As this is a limited edition people will have to move quickly to get a copy of it to avoid disappointment.
Those calendars are popular with locals and ex-pats alike and last year they shipped all over the globe.
I am very proud that this product is so highly sought after and that my work is hanging in so many homes.

Now is the time to say a big "THANK YOU" for that!

Here is a little sneak preview of what to expect in 2009...

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Photography close to the edge...

This morning we went to this absolutely stunning location on the Caithness coast. A canadian client requested a shot of this ruined castle, former home to his ancestral family, for his new music CD.

When you stand on cliffs with a sheer 30m drop, it makes you think very carefully where to plant your next steps. This is surely no location for scaredy cats, no wonder it is not advertised as a tourist attraction.

As photography gets more and more competitive, it`s absolutely vital to have a very own style "close to the edge"...

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Out and about...

Yesterday evening was the first summer outing this season with the Thurso Camera Club.

About 10 more or less hardy peolpe went to Strathy Point in Sutherland. Although the sunset sky could have been much better I got some shots that might be worthy to enter in the one or other competition...

The lonely (haha) photographer.... is Garry

No photographers have been harmed by processing those images :-)

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Your Mission this Month...

.... was my mission this month, well, last month really. As I have mentioned earlier on I have entered a handful of images in a magazines monthly photo competition.
Unluckily none of them won me a smart photo rucksack, but two of them were good enough to be shortlisted and printed in the June edition of Digital Camera Magazine.

This month I have entered only one photo and we will see if this one does well to, watch this space!

Here are the two photos that impressed the magazine people:

The long way down: "We liked Martina`s classic composition and subtlety of HDR use. The image almost looks like an oil painting."

Between a rock and a hard place: "The detail in this Scottish coastal is fantastic and the whole image has a sense of drama about it."

Friday, 2 May 2008

SWPP Gold awards April 2008

Once again this months` scores are announced and I am pleased that I got another "Gold Award" again, which brings it up to a total of 7 in 2008 and a total of 25 since March 2007.

This time I felt that the scoring was done quite tough with lots of images getting "Bronze" and "Unqualified". But on the other side I suppose that not every image can be a winner...

Out of the 11 photos I entered this month 1 got Gold, 7 Silver, 2 Bronze and 1 Unqualified. Yet again, the images I liked best didn`t get Gold and the ones that I thought they maybe will get a Bronze got Silver...

Toppsy-Turvy world :-))

Here is my "Gold" winning entry in the category "Monochrome", one of my favourite rocks in Caithness