I had four very good photo trips in one week, wow, thats an excellent outcome when you think that something is usually not wanting to cooperate. Light, clouds, mood and weather were perfect on each shot and location.
To me as a landscape photographer this was fantastic news, and made my heart go boomboom...
Finally I got round to process the photos on the pc and thought I give it nice and moody B&W treatment. I find it quite difficult to get B&W right, so I do practise a lot! There is so much that can go wrong... contrast, brightness, shadows... you name it.
For me there is no all in one treatment with some photoshop actions, I process every photo individually and you might see this in the outcome..... now and then :-))
At the beginning ot the month I have entered a competition in a national photo magazine. They wanted to have readers best HDR photos. I thought I give it a try and I am very curious what the outcome of this will be... watch this space...
Awesome pictures once again, Martina..."Rope tricks" is just brilliant - i will surely watch this space :-)
Warm regards,
your look is printed of sensibility...
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