Monday, 30 November 2009

Water & Glens, my newest photobook is available from NOW

It features some stunning scenery from mostly Scotland and the Lake District. It has 80 pages and costs from only £23.95 as soft cover.
Why dont you drop by and have a little preview of the first 15 pages of each book?
If you have bought the first three books, you surely will love this one too.

A Great Feature

Having just logged into my Redbubble Account, I have learnt that one of my photos have been featured on their homepage. What a great honour to be featured on the "Today All Scottish" page on St. Andrews day!!
Redbubble is an international artist community and many of my images are avilable to buy as prints, canvas, and cards from this site.
While you have a browse through my portfolio, check out my 4 A3 2010 calendars too, they are very popular this year and make fab Christmas presents :-)

Here you can see my beautiful "Highland Coo" on Redbubble`s homepage :-)

Halloween Sunset

I know, I know, I am desperately behind with my blog, but still I wanted you to see this beautiful sunset on Halloweens eve...

Moon struck

Here are a few moon images that I took over the past month or so. Gosh I wish the skies would be clearing up!

Cold As Ice

Winter has arrived yesterday, well sort of anyway. We have had the first two snowflakes (and they were pretty wet) coming down this year.
I had some rare spare time, went out and captured two very different Winter moods alltogether.
And obiously I could not resist having a go at those magnificent specimen of Highland Coos :-)

Friday, 27 November 2009

B&W is Best!

In my opinion, a well excecuted black and white image is always coming out top, but then again, its all a matter of taste, and thank goodness tastes are different!
Imagine if everyone would like the same things, what a boring world would that be!

Here are a few shots that I did over the past few weeks...

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

MSW update

I am totally gobsmacked!
The 8 photos that I have uploaded recently from the "Man v Nature" series have recieved over 33000 hits on Magicseaweed by now. 5 of the shots are still showing on the front page... I can only say wow!

That surely was not the last time I took shots at this incredible wave :-)

Friday, 13 November 2009


After having uploaded some surf shots to Magicseaweed yesterday I am pleased to see that one shot is amongs this weeks top rated shots. Within hours it has been viewed over 2300 (and counting) times (edit, it has been viewed over 4200 times now)
If this is you having this spektacular wipeout let me know and I will credit you for it. I bow down to your bravery!
Here are some shots of this (for the viewer) great sequence...

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

New Gallery Added

Yesterday I have added a brandnew gallery to my website. It is featuring some of the surf shots I have done over the past few months.
You will find photos of the O`Neill Cold Water Classic competition held here in Thurso, as well as visiting surfers and local dudes at the best beaches around the North coast.

Check the new Caithness surf gallery out here

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

I shot my boys...

While having shot probably hundreds of other peoples dogs, I rarely have time to shoot our own boys in a studio environment.
Here are a few examples of how well behaved my lot was (apart from the odd dribble and drewl on the fabric) :-)

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Thurso Firework

Composite of the nicest "Bangs"

After a couple of hours shotting pro`s, I "chilled" out shooting the local firwork display in the harbour area. Just before the firework was to begin, it started to rain, when it was finished it stopped raining.... typically!

Man v Nature Pt II

Man won....

Nature won....



I got some more great surf shots yesterday. Here are a few "locals boys" riding those very impressive waves...

Man v Nature

I deliberately left the half surfer in the frame just to give some impression of the hight of the wave

Tiny surfer, massive beast

Again, just check out how huge and heavy "Number 10" is

Yesterday I was shooting Mitch COrbett, Matt Capel & Mark Harris,3 Pro surfers who were surfing a beast of a wave at a secret spot, which only has been surfed for the first time three days ago.
It was very exciting to watch how those guys risked so much just get a ride inside the barrel!
At a later point I will show some of the wicked closeup shots I did, as I cant really do so just now due to magazine publications...
Here are some impressions of the man v nature game...

Surfing at Thurso East

Last week there was some nice swell coming in at Thurso East, here are some impressions of two days...