Thursday, 30 April 2009

O`Neill CWC day 2

Here are just a few impression of the surfers from today. I took well over 800 photos.
The waves were a little bigger than yesterday and it was great fun watching the brave men surfing the cold waves and on a few occasions just narrowly missing the sharp cliffs.
Please see also a related article with my photo of Sunny Garcia on Magicseaweed

O`Neill CWC Day 2 pt 2

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

O`Neill Coldwater Classic 2009 Scotland

Today was the first day of the O`Neill Coldwater Classic series in Caithness, Scotland. When we arrived at Brims Ness at around lunchtime there was not much going on and we were wondering why so many cars, including all the emergency vehicles are leaving.
Having spoken to one of the surfers we learnt that there is not competition on today as the waves were not too good. The foercast was 3.5 foot waves, but to me they certainly looked a lot bigger.
There were still many dudes in the water to get a practise shot before they do their run for real in the next couple of days.

O`Neill CWC 2009 pt 2

O`Neill CWC 2009 pt 3

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Oldies but goodies...

An old Austin (Cross version)

A most fantastic Riley

A 95 year old speedometer
On Monday night Thurso camera club had the chance to visit the vintage car collection of Edward Sutherland.
It was a very enjoyable evening with lots to see. I was really amazed by the attention to detail each of the 13 cars showed.
Here are some of the many shots I took...

Monday, 20 April 2009


turned into gull watch yesterday evening. I find it quite hard to get good shots of gulls in full flight. After checking out their flight paths I have got some good shots after all.

I would highly recommend this to anyone who is just used to do static images. Its so different but such great fun!

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Completely random

A little "Abstractness"

What I like doing best... B&W & moody

Just a nice landscape...

Here are a few completely randomly picked photos that I have processed during the past few days. Sometimes my photos have to cook a little longer on the drive before they get discovered again...

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Blazing Fire

Dunnet Head smoke pollution on day 4

Dunnet Head fire, day 2-4

Since 4 days a heather fire or muirburn is rageing on Dunnet Head. Luckily no houses or people are currently under threat.

A vast area has been destroyed which is such a shame for the local wildlife there. Photographically its not exactly a pretty sight either...

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

A completely new thing...

Startrails... I have never done them before and thought I will give them a little go. I thought it surely has to be very complicated to get a trail done, but I was surprised how easy the techical bit to master a nice trail was.
Here are my first two attempts. Not ideal, as our garden is surrounded by some nasty sodium lights and one is standing right in front of Polaris and the foreground interest is not that brilliant either.
I will have to bite the bullet and go out to a nice dark location... at least now I know how it is done :-)

High Flyers pt 2

Friday, 10 April 2009

High Flyers

Once more Dunnet Bay did not fail to entertain me to the max. At a nice and fresh breeze, these two kite surfers had some great fun racing up and down alongside the beach.
To my utter amazement the did some daring jumps where they were lifted up very high in the air. It was fantastic to watch and I had as much fun taking pics of them as they did.

It this is you in the photos, give me a shout.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

A great day

Well photography-wise anyway, but it feels like I have got oxygene poisoning today... :-) Too much fresh air just makes me tired...