Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Boys in rubber...

Who does not admire the daring dudes that throw themselves into the icy waves of the Atlantik.
Thurso East had a great surf this morning and the waves were sort of packed with surfers.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Wick Harbour

These are some shots I took in Wick Harbour this morning. It looks absolutley stunning in those calm waters.

A January afternoon

It was just such a bliss walking the dogs at Dunnet Beach yesterday. The photos form this walk reflect the beautiful mood just before sunset...

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Shot of the week 4

The original photo was shot sometime during last December, but I worked on it yesterday. I wanted to do something completely different, but this is what came out. As my back ache is still not easing off, I thought this subject is more than appropriate.

Friday, 23 January 2009

SWPP Photographer of the Year awards 2008

Winner in the category "Monochrome"

Winner in the category "Landscape"

What can I say??? Yesterday the winners of the different categories of the SWPP photographer of the year have been anounced online. The award ceremony took place last Sunday in London, but due to family commitments I was unable to attend.

I am absolutely thrilled that I have won this great award in two categories!

I had 13 images that won gold awards go forward to the annual judging and I am well pleased to say that I managed to get the "Photographer of the year 2008" title in the "Landscape" and in the "Monochrome" category.

Both of those categories lay very dear to my heart, and I am well chuffed that I managed to get yet another two titles after last years SWPP Wildlife, Pictorial, Fine Art and UK overall 3rd photographer of the year titles.

About the landscape winner the judges said: A pleasing, well composed, toned image, which draws the eye to the horizon line

About the monochrome winner the judges felt that the image had great details with wonderful use of monochromatic tones.

EDIT: I also won the SWPP UK overall Photographer of the year 3rd place

Big Surf

Despite having a terrible back since over a week now I do not giving up on shooting outside in the freezing cold. Well, the photos might not be from a terribly artistic low angle, but still worth showing :-)
What a fantastic surf this morning, I completely forgot about my back...

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Morning glory

This morning I went up to Loch More, it was quite chilly, but the light was from another world! It is so quiet up there, its unbelievable!

If things could talk...

If things could talk, what would they say?

I had a delightful time on a derelict old farm. The photo opportunities are unbelievable in such old places. Here I tried to make a little compilation of things that I have seen there.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Photo of the week 3

Although I shot many great photos this week yet again, this week choice will have to be this stag that we met yesterday on out trip up West. We saw two stags standing about 100m in front of us just beside the road. I got out with the camera and slowly walked towards them.

They spotted me pretty early and after only this one shot they started to run off and the rest of the shots only covered backsides.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Wild West

Today we had a fantastic day out West. It simply was a photographers dream come true. The colours were amazing from the first to the last minute.
Here are only a few images that I have shot during this amazing time in the "Wild West"

Friday, 16 January 2009

Dunnet Beach Delight

As we have two dogs, there is no excuse not to go out. Today it was an absolute delight to do so though. We had quite a good sunrise, but an even better sunset tonight.

Thursday, 15 January 2009


Today I have added a slideshow to my content which will show some of my recent shot favourites. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Another cracker...

of a morning... Today I went out to catch the fantastic waves with another lens as I felt that the 24-205 was just a little too short. Different lens, different view, different pics... Enjoy!

Monday, 12 January 2009


What an excellent start into the new week. This morning was a wonderful high tide in Thurso and I thought this might be making good photos along the sea front.
I certainly was not disappointed by the crashing waves.... I absolutley love this sound! Kawoosh!

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Shot of the week 1-2

This year I would like to present you my favourite shots that I have done during the week.
I will be presenting my "shot of the week" each Sunday. Although I have done some shots that really pleased me during the past week, this shot that I did this afternoon is my favourite from all the shots.

An afternoon stroll...

today the light in the afternoon was most stunning. We used this time to take the dogs out and I took some pics meanwhile...
Around Dunnet Head, the most Northerly point on the British Mainland.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Tabletop Play


"The lady in red"

"We are family"

I havent done tabletop since quite a while now and yesterday I thought it`s time for another go. Altough I love the corkscrew pics, my fav has to be "Heartache"


Show me a great sky and the Photography virus is flaming up... Pics shot over the past days...