Winner in the category "Monochrome"

Winner in the category "Landscape"
What can I say??? Yesterday the winners of the different categories of the SWPP photographer of the year have been anounced online. The award ceremony took place last Sunday in London, but due to family commitments I was unable to attend.
I am absolutely thrilled that I have won this great award in two categories!
I had 13 images that won gold awards go forward to the annual judging and I am well pleased to say that I managed to get the "Photographer of the year 2008" title in the "Landscape" and in the "Monochrome" category.
Both of those categories lay very dear to my heart, and I am well chuffed that I managed to get yet another two titles after last years SWPP Wildlife, Pictorial, Fine Art and UK overall 3rd photographer of the year titles.
About the landscape winner the judges said: A pleasing, well composed, toned image, which draws the eye to the horizon line
About the monochrome winner the judges felt that the image had great details with wonderful use of monochromatic tones.
EDIT: I also won the SWPP UK overall Photographer of the year 3rd place